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Heavy Duty Boot Liners
Our heavy duty fabrics are waterproof, fire retardant and strong. They are a non-quilted tough design that's faster to manufacture so we can offer them at a great price.

Quilted Boot Liners
Quilted fabrics are available in a few different colours and waterproof.

Faux Leather Quilted Boot Liners
Faux Leather Boot Liners are offered in premium quality single or double stitched quilted material for that great appearance.

Boot Cleaning Instructions – Fully Tailored Boot Liners
As each vehicle is different our boot liners are designed to fit the specifics of that certain model.
Some car boots are fully covered by carpet and our strong Velcro is designed to attach directly to the carpet.
Other cars have a plastic trim, in this instance the self-adhesive backing of the Velcro is used to stick the boot liner into place.
Important Pre-installation Cleaning Instructions
Carpet Interior
- Please vacuum the boot thoroughly and ensure all dirt and dog hair is removed
Plastic Interior
- Clean the plastic trim with a silicone remover (e.g Auto-Glym Intensive Tar Remover)
- Use a clean dry cloth to dry the plastic trim
- Follow the boot liner fitting instructions
- Please allow 24 hours before use to allow the self-adhesive to fully stuck to the plastic
Please note, the Velcro or self-adhesive will not stick to the boot if it comes into contact with dirt, dog hair or silicone prior to fitting. If you have had your carpet protected, we cannot guarantee that our Velcro will attach to the boot carpet.